- The following recipe summaries are presented in this section. Each discusses the original recipe and one or more specific interpretations to make it:
- c.1350 Guten Meth (Wurtzburg Mead) from Das Buch von Guter Spise. Recipe write-up for a sweet mead with hops and sage. Ages well.
- c.1400 Tractatus Quick Mead and Metheglyn. Recipe write-up for a plain mead with options for ferment addition, second set of options for herb addition.
- 1576 Honied Water / Virtuous Quince Mead. From Estienne, 1576 Maison Rustique and other 16th and 17th century sources. Recipe write-up starts with a base plain mead is of moderate strength and can be made in varying strengths. The quince version uses a small amount of quince juice to preoduce a bright, mead with moderate alcohol.
- c.1600 Mirth from a manuscript cookbook. Recipe write-up for a low to moderate strength mead with herbs and spices.
- c.1660 Lemon-Rosemary Mead from manuscript cookbook. Recipe write-up for a moerdate strength mead with strong lemon and rosemary presence. Ages well. Three more recipes: Mede Eglyne, Gode Drink (made with cherries or damson plums, spices, and herbs), and Ydromel (a plain mead for medicinal use) are presented and discussed, altough modern interpretation are not given in my paper " Last modified August 11, 2023.